Jill Morias

Friends / Life / Spiritual

The One With The Friends I Miss Back Home

Don’t  know what has gotten into me but I’m feeling a bit sentimental the past days. Not sure if it’s caused by the fact that it’s almost Christmas time and I miss meeting friends on a regular basis. Here’s a little appreciation for friends I miss back home because wala lang… I have time. haha!

First on the list would be my favourite and funniest friend in Cavite, Prince Almonte! I’ve been friends with this guy since kindergarten up until now. Tho we don’t share nor trust to keep each other’s secrets, I consider Prince as one of my guy best friend. Sometimes he goes to me for some advice when it comes to his girlfriends, but he knows I would always judge him. I’m still honoured he opens up to me. There so much to say about this guy. He’s the person in our barkada na titignan or isipin mo lang siya, matatawa ka na! haha. I remember in high school, there was a game the boys in our class usually play where everyone would tell a joke and no one is allowed to laugh. When it was Myco’s turn, he said “Tignan niyo si Prince”. He’s not even doing anything weird but everyone burst into laughter. 

He’s one of my go to guy friend – only when he’s single  because he never bother to hang out with us whenever he has a girlfriend. We often had spontaneous drives and foodtrips that starts at 1 in the morning then get home in the morning and go straight to our classes or work. I can talk nonsense with this guy. Sometimes I send him my ugly or disgusting pictures randomly and then he would send me back because wala lang. We always bully each other and sa sobrang comfort friend ko siya, minsan nalilimutan ko na na christian ako whenever I’m with him. He’s also known as a person who always breaks his own words. Sa 10 na sinabi niya, 15 yung mali. I often invite him to join me to worship during Sundays or dgroups, he would always say yes but ended up not going. And I got used to it. I never had boring conversation with Prince kaya I super missed this kumag! 

I remember the last time I saw him before I left for Australia, Me and our friend, Dan, were invited to Margaret’s Dad’s birthday. Well we actually invited ourselves and she said yes haha! Just a little background, Dan, Price and I are the birthday abangers in our barkada. We often gate crash our friends’ house uninvitedly. Margaret said it will be celebrated at the mall near our place so we could just meet there. While waiting, we decided to pick up Prince at his place and invite him to join us in the embarrassment we’ve got ourselves into. We told him Margaret’s dad invited us. At first he was hesitant but we’ve waited for him for an hour so he finally gave in. When we got there, we chipped in to buy a cake for Tito Boy, Margaret’s dad. Then we went straight to the restaurant and it was just a very intimate birthday party for the family and we self invite ourselves! hahaha. On the way to their table, nagtutulakan pa kami sobrang nakakahiya. When we got to their table, we happily greeted Tito and the whole family. And then in the middle of our dinner, Margaret’s mum asked “MM, sino siya? Kilala ko si Krisa at Dan, classmate niyo din ba siya” pointing at Prince. hahaha! Prince gave us the killer stare as if saying “Niyaya niyo ako dito para pahiyain!” and then we replied “Ayy Tita kapitdbahay lang po namin, gusto daw po kasi niya maki birthday”. But she didn’t bought it, she knows we were all making fun of Prince. After the dinner, we hang out with our other friends and talked about what happened. And that was the last time I saw Prince physically before I left for Australia. 

When God finally gave me the chance to get back home for a holiday. He’s definitely one of the people I look forward to hang out with! I just miss laughing so hard with this guy! 

Next is Ate Tina. Ate was my first discipler when I started attending dgroup back in 2013. I am truly grateful to God to be mentored by Ate Tina. God sent me Ate when I was so hungry for Christ and I didn’t know where to start. I see myself as one of the characters in the bible on Acts 8:26-40, the Ethiopian Eunuch, when I started following Christ. He was sitting alone in the middle of the desert reading the scriptures when God sent Philipp to help him understand the scripture and share Jesus. It was like my story. I didn’t know I needed someone to guide me while I was trying to know the Lord by myself until God sent me a Philip – and that was Ate Tina.

 Praise God my friend invited me to join a dgroup where Ate was leading. She was intentional with everyone at first I was uncomfortable. Why is this lady so invested with my personal life? So from a listener who share a tiny bit of life during dgroups, I became more confident to share my stories with everyone during our bible studies. It took me a year tho. 

Ate’s love for Christ was so radiant that I thought, I wanted to have that kind of relationship with Christ. She believed in each of our potentials and that means so much to us. She set a great example in serving the Lord that’s why we also fell in love to serve God together. A servant heart. Simple things like serving each and everyone a glass of water is what I truly appreciate about her. She would always involved us in the ministry. I remember she even engaged herself as a prompter for a singles’ event in our church and she doesn’t even do that. Just for us to volunteer because she knows we wouldn’t. A leader by example. That’s how intentional she was on us. Ate contributed soooo much in my life that I will be forever grateful to the Lord. I love how pakealamera she was in our lives – in a very good way. She would regularly ask us how if we are being a good steward of our finances, our lovelives, our purity, our relationships with our family and friends, how are we improving resisting the sin we are struggling, our own ministry, our regular bible reading, and personal walk with Christ. Everything. I listen and look up to Ate as much as I listen to my mum. That’s why it was hard for me to adjust when we had changes in our dgroup.

Funny that whenever I message her “ATE!” to consult about life and spiritual, her reply would always be “Oh? GB na ba yan??” hahaha! She would always ask me “Oh alam mo na! Christian ba yan? Nagdidisciple? Mas love si Lord kesa sayo?”. I know how protective she is to us and I also know how (righteously) judgmental she can be. haha! I remember I introduced her to this guy friend who pursued me for years but I felt she didn’t feel that guy so that was the time I thought to really let go of that person. Kay Ate ko din natutunan to never assume unless the guy laid down his intentions and that’s what I always remind myself. With Ate, I’m not capable of hiding anything. Every time we had one on ones, I plan to sugarcoat and not to overshare the things I’m struggling with but she knows how to ask the right questions so I always ended up sharing everything – which turns out really helpful for me because I know she wouldn’t be able to help me if I’m not being truthful to her. Learned that the hard way with my own dgroup.

 I received God’s love because someone like her was used by the Lord to extended that love and revealed it on me. The Lord used her and inspired me to start my own discipleship group. I thought I wanted to an Ate Tina to someone who also needed a person who will be intentional to them. I promised myself that by God’s grace, when I get married here in Australia, I would treat Ate and his husband, Kuya Eric, (and maybe Elijah and Issy, if God would provide an extra budget haha) a ticket and free lodging so they can attend my wedding. So if you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my first discipler. haha!

Ate was the last friend I met before I left for Australia. I dropped by the afternoon before my flight just to say goodbye. I’m just so blessed that I can still message her anytime to catch up and consult to her. I am still praying to have someone like Ate here in Sydney. I may not be happy with her regularly asking me how I am aside from our weekly dgroup, but I so miss it so much. do that

Third would be Ate May Anne. As I have written in my previous blog, Ate May Anne was there since I started attending dgroup in 2013. Ate May Anne was my partner in everything. Together we serve in the ministry, attend church events, classmates in GLC class, shopping, retreats, random 1am drives to explore foods and places, movie marathons, CCF Visita Iglesia (it’s an inside joke where we visit different CCF stellites in one day) fan girling over Lee Sung Kyung and Yaya Dub, name it! haha. 

She’s my comfort friend in CCF. Whenever I’m with her, I can be friendly with others. I have bunch of friends naman at church but sometime I’m just too lazy to socialize so I need a comfort friend for me to function better. So I stick with her during breakouts specially when we’re grouped with other people. Whenever I freak out and cannot express myself during sharing, I would just hit her and my thoughts would be back. I think among my friends, she’s the friend who met most of  the people in my life. Family, high school barkada, dgroup members, cousins, and even my bosses. haha! We have different personality that complements harmonously. I am a sleepy head and she has all the energy in the word. She’s my alarm clock and the person who keeps me awake during morning drives. Sometimes she’s just annoyingly madaldal in the morning I would tell her “Ate, okay lang ako. Gising ako!” haha! From dgroup to D12 to being my  discipler for a year before I left for Australia. We’ve witnessed each other’s growth. 

What I appreciate about Ate May Anne is that she knows when to make kulit to hang out with me and when to give me space when I’m introverting for months without judgement. I remember when we joined a retreat in CCF main, we were upset that we were not sharing the same room and group. I know she can carry herself and make friends with others but she never left me alone because she knows I cannot socialize well. She would always visit me in our room and made friends with my roommates than her own. So much to love about Ate May Anne. She’s passionate and knows what she wants to do and achieve it. I love how we still have constant communication and share each others prayers. I am blessed to witness their milestones and how God answers our prayers. I just cannot wait to hang out with Ate again soon!


Next on the list is Ate Sassy. Like Ate May Anne, Ate Sassy was present in my life since I started attending dgroup. The three of us are blessed to level up in Ate Tina’s D12. Ate is the president of the RnD club. It’s an unofficial club established by our group of friends in our church for a non-secular purposes. haha! 

What I love about Ate Sassy is that she’s a constant communicator. Like she would message you non-stop with everything random. Like “Hoy Krisa! Nandito ako sa work. Natatae na ako!” and if you won’t reply, she would video call you. Yes she do video calls while on duty. Tapos pag-chichismisan namin yung mga dumadaan sa harap niya or mga annoying patients nila. She can be just super random at all times. She can talk to you with 3 topics all at the same time – sometimes I don’t bother engaging too much with the conversation because I know in just a snap, she would change the topic. 

Ate Sassy is also the most matampuhin friend of mine. haha! She doesn’t have patience with people so please get out of her way. I never thought I would be close with her since I met her. Because she’s just so sassy. I remember when we were just starting attending dgroup, the group wasn’t that close pa so mostly question and answer lang and not much of an exchange of thoughts and questions, I always want to ask her if she’s okay but whenever I see her resting bitch face, my introvert ass would step back. Afraid she might bite me. Charot! haha. 

We both share love for dogs! She let me adopt one of her dog’s pupp and named him Joey. Her passion for stray dogs is exceptional. She always have a bread on her purse so everytime may makikita siyang stray dogs, she’d feed them. Talk about Mother Theresa of dog kingdom! haha. 



Next would be Joash. Joash is my closest guy friend in CCF. At first this kid calls me Ate but after spending time with him working in the ministry, she would just casually call me Krisa – oh well! To be honest, I didn’t find Joash masculine when I first met him. But when I got to know him, he’s just this diva guy who loves judging and annoying people. Very outgoing guy. I don’t even know how we even became close. I have this weird manner of being intimidated with extroverts but I felt comfortable with Joash’ consistent annoyance. 

This guy has a great voice and he’s part of the worship ministry. Whenever we sing worship songs during a regular ministry meeting, he would always go extra like “Woohw brother, wala tayo sa stage. haha!” Whenever he’s performing during worship services, he seems like a different person who doesn’t bully kids at NextGen. hahaha! 

Ate May Anne, Kuya Ken, and Joash were my constant companion in discovering foods and places – anytime and anywhere. We spontaneously hang out after Sunday services, dgroups, and B1G Fridays. Right after every church activities, you would find Joash at CC Imus’ entrance waiting for us and yell “Oy ano na? Tara na!” so we can finally eat and hangout. Matic! What I appreciate about this guy is that he’s always game for anything! You can bring him to fine dining or on a fishball stands and just talk about anything until midnight. And oh! He finally got a girlfriend! First impressions don’t last talaga haha!

He shared me his plans to also migrate in Australia. Haven’t talked to this guy since I left Manila but last few weeks ago, he called and we just talked about life and plans. I could not wait to explore more foods if the Lord would allow him to come soon here! As usual, if that happens, ako pa din ang driver. haha! 


Last would be Posada. Posada was a high school friend of mine from lower batch. We weren’t actually close in high school and I barely talk to her. We happen to schoolmates in college as well. 


I became close with her since me and my friends hangs out at their sari-sari store. Aside from their sari-sari store, she sells the Cavite’s best quek-quek, fishballs, kikiam, halo-halo and everything at their place. Every afternoon, I would go their for my merienda and she would always tease me “Oh Ate! Himala naglakad ka!” as if naman our house wasn’t a few streets away from her place.

God gave me a burden to be intentional with Posada when she started sharing her life to me. She would tell me all her struggles in the family and financially. I see myself in Posada in my early teenage years. Overthinker, feeling of not being good enough, timid, thoughts that something good will never happen to me, satisfied with what I have in the present, never a risk taker. Seeing her like that, I felt that she needed someone that I needed when I was in her life’s season. So I always invite her to come with me in church or in our dgroup. She would seldom say yes because no one would take charge of their store if she leave – an knowing me, I am spontaneous she knows pag ako kasama niya, uuwi siya ng madaling araw. Basically her world only revolves in her family and their store. And that’s what I love about Posada! Her family always comes first. I remember when she first said yes to come with me sa church, she was taking notes! It humbled me and reminded me of myself when I started attending church. Maybe it was God’s way of telling me that time that I was being complacent with my spiritual walk. 

Since she could not attend church regularly, God helped me to bring the church and dgroup to her. Every time I came home from somewhere, I would pass by at their place and end up staying until 2 or 3 in the morning to just talk about life and intentionally share her God’s love. I was never a serious ate to her, we would  just always make fun of each other. But I praise God that she always take me seriously whenever I start to have a sincere discussions with her. I remember one night while we were driving in Tagaytay, we were exchanging our fair shares of whines about life. She was casually telling us stories about her family but for me it was just so heavy so I told her “Alam mo Posada, sobrang love na love ka ni Lord. Can I pray for you?”. She thought I was going to pray for her during my private time but I told her “Now?”. She gave me an awkward look but uncomfortably comply. I laid my hands on her shoulder and started praying. In the middle of our prayer, she held my hands tightly and heard her cry. I don’t cry easily but that moment I felt God working both in our lives and hearts so my voice started shaking during our prayers. Okay fine, I did cry. That’s when I told God to help me become more intentional with Posada.

After that night I felt she became more open to me. I won’t have to ask her questions first, she would just comfortably open up everything to me kahit alam niyang icocorrect ko siya with the way she thinks negatively. I know definitely what she feels because I am an overthinker and a pessimist. But I also know how to crack it all by the grace of Jesus. I wouldn’t be able to do the job God has given me for her life if sasabayan ko yung ka-negahan niya haha! 

I praise God that despite our distance, she would still message and update me. One time I wasn’t feeling good about myself when she messaged me and shared a good news and said “Diba sabi mo maging confident ako??”. It was a proud moment and a reminder for me. God used her to affirm me that I am enough with what I was battling with. God has thought me so much being friends with this woman. Whenever we have sharings, I feel I have nothing to rant about because it’s nothing compared to what she’s going through. It also helped me practiced being intentional not just on the dgroup I was handling, but also to my friends. To not wait for them to say yes to my church invites but bring the good news and love of Jesus to them personally. It doesn’t have to have to take a regular bible study, just a casual conversation and intentionally listen to them would help them in their faith. 




That’s all for a bit sentimental look back! I pray that God would finally heal our world and we could all fly back to visit friends and family we miss the most! 

Clever Manka

In the mean time, I will make new fun memories with friends God has blessed me here.



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